  • 唐磊

  • 主任医师 影像医学科

擅长: 体部肿瘤的影像诊断及临床治疗相关评估。 ...详细

北京大学肿瘤医院医学影像科副主任,主任医师,教授,博士生导师。2006年北京大学医学部获得影像医学博士学位,2011年美国伊利诺伊州立大学访问学者。擅长体部肿瘤的影像诊断及临床治疗相关评估,主要研究领域为消化系统肿瘤影像学,以临床实践为主导,规范消化系统肿瘤影像学检查流程,探索肿瘤检出、诊断、分期和疗效评价的影像学征象及标准,积极发掘影像学在肿瘤多学科协作和个体化诊疗的应用潜力。在Annals of Oncology, Radiology等肿瘤临床及影像期刊发表论文30余篇,RSNA等国际会议口头报告30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金两项、北京市自然科学基金重点项目一项。获中国抗癌协会科技进步二等奖及北京市科学技术三等奖。北京市优秀中青年医师提名奖。首批入选北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心临床研究人才项目。北京大学医学部优秀人才奖励计划青年学者奖。获中华医学百篇优秀论文奖、国际胃癌大会IGCC优秀论文奖、北京市卫计委最佳科普文章奖等奖项。获北医青年教师讲课比赛二等奖、北大医学部优秀教师、鼎业脉林奖教金等教学奖励。获中华放射学会腹部学组优秀青年学者奖。社会兼职:中国抗癌协会胃癌及GIST专业委员会委员、胃癌影像学组组长;中国临床肿瘤学会CSCO青年委员、胃癌专委会委员;中华医学会肿瘤学分会胃癌学组委员;北京市放射学会腹部学组副组长;北京市抗癌协会青年理事会常务理事;中国医师协会外科分会MDT专委会委员、GIST专委会青年委员。European Radiology,Scientific Reports,JMRI,BMC Cancer 等杂志审稿专家。《中华胃肠外科杂志》、《中国医学影像技术》杂志编委。《卫健委胃癌诊疗规范》、《中国临床肿瘤学会胃癌诊疗指南》、《胃肠间质瘤规范化外科治疗中国专家共识》等国家级指南规范编委或执笔人。参与中国医师协会“胃肠肿瘤MDT百城行”及卫健委“胃肠肿瘤MDT星火计划”,普及肿瘤MDT规范化诊疗理念。


1. Fu J, Tang L *, Li ZY, Li XT, Zhu HF, Sun YS, Ji JF. Diffusion kurtosis imaging in the prediction of poor responses of locally advanced gastric cancer to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Eur J Radiol. 2020; 128: 108974.

2. Di Dong#, Mengjie Fang#, Tang L #, etc. Deep learning radiomic nomogram can predict the number of lymph node metastasis in locally advanced gastric cancer: an international multicenter study, Annals of Oncology, 2020, 31(7): 912-920.

3. Fu J, Fang MJ, Dong D, Li J, Sun YS, Tian J, Tang L*. Heterogeneity of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor on texture analysis: DWI texture as potential biomarker of overall survival. Eur J Radiol. 2020; 125: 108825. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2020.108825.

4. Li ZY†, Tang L†, Li ZM†, et al. Four-Point Computed Tomography Scores for Evaluation of Occult Peritoneal Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Cancer: A Region-to-Region Comparison with Staging Laparoscopy. Ann Surg Oncol. 2020 Apr;27(4):1103-1109. doi: 10.1245/s10434-019-07812-y.

5. Tang L, Wang XJ, Baba H, Giganti F. Gastric cancer and image-derived quantitative parameters: Part 2-a critical review of DCE-MRI and 18F-FDG PET/CT findings. Eur Radiol. 2019 Aug 7. doi: 10.1007/s00330-019-06370-x.

6. Giganti F, Tang L, Baba H. Gastric cancer and imaging biomarkers: Part 1 - a critical review of DW-MRI and CE-MDCT findings. Eur Radiol. 2019; 29(4):1743-1753.

7. Dong D †, Tang L †, Li Z-Y †, et al. Development and validation of an individualized nomogram to identify occult peritoneal metastasis in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Ann Oncol. 2019; 30(3): 431-438. (IF: 14.196)

8. Tang L, Li J, Li ZY, Li XT, Gong JF, Ji JF, Sun YS, Shen L. MRI in predicting the response of gastrointestinal stromal tumor to targeted therapy: a patient-based multi-parameter study. BMC Cancer. 2018; 18(1):811

9. Tang L, Zhou XJ. Diffusion MRI of cancer: From low to high b-values. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019;49(1):23-40. (获评 JMRI及Wiley出版集团2018-2019年度“Top downloaded paper”)

10. Tang L, Sui Y, Zhong Z, Damen FC, Li J, Shen L, Sun Y, Zhou XJ. Non-Gaussian diffusion imaging with a fractional order calculus model to predict response of gastrointestinal stromal tumor to second-line sunitinib therapy. Magn Reson Med. 2018; 79(3): 1399-1406.

11. Tang L *, Sun YS, Li ZY, et al. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the depiction of gastric cancer: initial experience. Abdominal Imaging. 2016,41(1):1-8.

12. Tang L, Li ZY, Li ZW, et al.Evaluating the response of gastric carcinomas to neoadjuvant chemotherapy using iodine concentration on spectral CT: a comparison with pathological regression. Clin Radiol. 2015;70(11):1198-204.

13. Tang L, Zhang XP, Sun YS, Li YL, Li XT, Cui Y, Gao SY.Spectral CT in the demonstration of thegastrocolic ligament: a comparison study. Surg RadiolAnat2013;35(6):539-45.

14. Tang L, Li G, Sun YS, Li J, Zhang XP. Synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast imaging of human stomach and gastric cancer: in vitro studies. JSynchrotron Rad2012; 19(Pt3):319-322.

Tang L, Zhang XP, Sun YS, Shen L, Li J, Qi LP, Cui Y. Gastrointestinal Stromal TumorsTreated with Imatinib Mesylate:Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in theEvaluation of Therapy Response inPatients. Radiology 2011; 258(3): 729-738.



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