  • 王亮

  • 副主任医师 肿瘤科

擅长: 白血病、淋巴瘤、多发性骨髓瘤和骨髓增生异常综合征诊断与治疗 ...详细









近5年以第一作者发表血液病相关SCI 30余篇,主持国自然基金1项,省卫生厅基金1项,中山大学青年教师培育项目、中山大学肿瘤防治中心优秀青年人才项目、中山大学肿瘤防治中心临床医学科学家项目各一项


1. Wang L, Hua Wang, Jing-hua Wang, Zhong-jun Xia, Yue Lu,Hui-qiang Huang, Wen-qi Jiang, Yu-jing Zhang. Post-treatment plasma EBV-DNA positivity predicts early relapse and poor prognosis for patients with extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma in the era of asparaginase. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 6;6(30):30317-26. (SCI: 6.359)

2. Wang L, Hua Wang, Hao Chen, Wei-da Wang, Xiao-qin Chen, Qi-rong Geng, Zhong-jun Xia, Yue Lu. Serum levels of soluble programmed death ligand 1 predict treatment response and progression free survival in multiple myeloma. Oncotarget. 2015, early online (SCI: 6.359)

3. Wang L, Wang ZH, Chen XQ, Li YJ, Wang KF, Xia YF, Xia ZJ. First-line combination of gemcitabine, oxaliplatin, and l-asparaginase (gelox) followed by involved-field radiation therapy for patients with stage ie/iie extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphoma. Cancer. 2013;119:348-355. (SCI: 5.201)

4. Liang Y, Wang L(共同第一), Zhu Y, Lin Y, Liu H, Rao H, Xu G, Rong T: Primary pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma: Fifty-two patients with long-term follow-up. Cancer. 2012;118:4748-4758. (SCI: 5.201)

5. Wang L, Lin Y, Long H, Liu H, Rao H, He Y, Rong T, Liang Y. Esophageal carcinosarcoma: A unique entity with better prognosis. Annals of surgical oncology. 2013;20:997-1004. (SCI: 4.12)

6. Wang L, Wang JH, Wu-Xiao ZJ, Xia ZJ, Huang HQ, Lu Y. Lymphopenia during routine follow-up may predict relapse in patients with extranodal nk/t cell lymphoma. Tumour biology. 2015;36:1747-1753. (SCI: 3.611)

7. Wang L, Xia ZJ, Zhang YJ, Huang HQ, Lin TY, Lu Y. Radical surgery may be not an optimal treatment approach for pulmonary malt lymphoma. Tumour biology. 2015 Aug;36(8):6409-16 (SCI: 3.611)

8. Wang L, Wang Z, Xia ZJ, Lu Y, Huang HQ, Zhang YJ. CD56-negative extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma should be regarded as a distinct subtype with poor prognosis. Tumour Biol. 2015 Sep;36(10):7717-23. (SCI: 3.611)

9. Wang L, Chi PD, Chen H, Xiang J, Xia ZJ, Zhang YJ. Low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol correlates with poor prognosis in extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma. Tumour biology. 2014;35:2141-2149. (SCI: 3.611)

10. Wang L, Lin GN, Jiang XL, Lu Y: Expression of ezrin correlates with poor prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Tumour biology. 2011;32:707-712. (SCI: 3.611)

11. Wang L, Long W, Li PF, Lin YB, Liang Y. An Elevated Peripheral Blood Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Poor Prognosis in Patients with Primary Pulmonary Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma. PLoS One. 2015 May 7;10(5):e0126269. (SCI: 3.234)

12. Wang L, Xia ZJ, Lu Y, Wang QX, Niu SQ, Huang HQ, Zhang YJ. A modified international prognostic index including pretreatment hemoglobin level for early stage extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2015:1-7 (SCI: 2.891)

13. Wang L, Wu-Xiao ZJ, Chen XQ, Zhang YJ, Lu Y, Xia ZJ. Hepatitis b virus infection correlates with poor prognosis of extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2015 Apr;56(4):936-41. (SCI: 2.891)

14. Wang L, Liu P, Geng Q, Chen X, Lv Y. Prognostic significance of neuron-specific enolase in patients with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab-based immunochemotherapy. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2011;52:1697-1703. (SCI: 2.891)

15. Wang L, Xia ZJ: Combination of albumin-bound paclitaxel and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin is effective in treatment of heavily treated relapsed/refractory diffuse large b-cell lymphoma: A case report. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2013;54:2553-2555. (SCI: 2.891)

16. Zhang W, Wang L(共同第一), Zhou D, Cui Q, Zhao D, Wu Y: Expression of tumor-associated macrophages and vascular endothelial growth factor correlates with poor prognosis of peripheral t-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified. Leukemia & lymphoma. 2011;52:46-52. (SCI: 2.891)

17. Wang L, Wang H, Li PF, Lu Y, Xia ZJ, Huang HQ, Zhang YJ. CD38 expression predicts poor prognosis and might be a potential therapy target in extranodal nk/t cell lymphoma, nasal type. Annals of hematology. 2015 Aug;94(8):1381-8. (SCI: 2.634)

18. Wang L, Wang H, Xia ZJ, Huang HQ, Jiang WQ, Lin TY, Lu Y. Peripheral blood lymphocyte to monocyte ratio identifies high-risk adult patients with sporadic Burkitt lymphoma. Annals of hematology. 2015 Oct;94(10):1645-54. (SCI: 2.634)

19. Wang L, Xia ZJ, Lu Y, Zhang YJ. Prophylactic cervical lymph node irradiation provides no benefit for patients of stage ie extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma, nasal type. Medical oncology. 2015;32:320.(SCI: 2.634)

20. Wang L, Liao DZ, Zhang J, Xia ZJ, Peng XW, Lu Y: Clinical significance of serum soluble interleukin-2 receptor-alpha in extranodal natural killer/t-cell lymphoma (enktl): A predictive biomarker for treatment efficacy and valuable prognostic factor. Medical oncology. 2013;30:723. (SCI: 2.634)

21. Wang L, Wang WD, Xia ZJ, Zhang YJ, Xiang J, Lu Y: Combination of gemcitabine, l-asparaginase, and oxaliplatin (gelox) is superior to epoch or chop in the treatment of patients with stage ie/iie extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma: A retrospective study in a cohort of 227 patients with long-term follow-up. Medical oncology. 2014;31:860. (SCI: 2.634)

22. Wang L, Liu P, Chen X, Geng Q, Lu Y. Serum neuron-specific enolase is correlated with clinical outcome of patients with non-germinal center b cell-like subtype of diffuse large b-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab-based immunochemotherapy. Medical oncology. 2012;29:2153-2158. (SCI: 2.634)

23. Wang H, Li P, Wang L(通讯), Xia Z, Huang H, Lu Y, Li Z.High numbers of CD68+ tumor-associated macrophages correlate with poor prognosis in extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type. Ann Hematol. 2015 Sep;94(9):1535-44. (SCI: 2.634)

24. Wang L, Wang KF, Chang BY, Chen XQ, Xia ZJ. Once-weekly subcutaneous administration of bortezomib in patients with multiple myeloma. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(5):2093-8. (SCI:2.514)

25. Jiang L, Wang L(共同第一), Li PF, Zhang XK, Chen JW, Qiu HJ, Wu XD, Zhang B. Positive expression of programmed death ligand-1 correlates with superior outcomes and might be a therapeutic target in primary pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. Onco Targets Ther. 2015 Jun 15;8:1451-7. (SCI: 2.311)

26. Hua Wang, Wang L(共同第一), ZhiJun Wuxiao, HuiQiang Huang, WenQi Jiang, ZhiMing Li, Yue Lu, ZhongJun Xia. Increased serum levels of interleukin-10 predict poor prognosis in extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma patients receiving asparaginase-based chemotherapy. OncoTargets and Therapy. 2015:8 2589–2599 (SCI: 2.311)

27. Wang L, Yongbin Lin, Qingqing Cai, Hao Long, Yu Zhang, Tiehua Rong, Guowei Ma, Ying Liang. Detection of rearrangement of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) and mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in primary pulmonary lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma. J Thorac Dis. 2015;7(9):1556-1562 (SCI: 1.783)

28. Wang L, Xia ZJ, Huang HQ, Lu Y, Zhang YJ: Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (chop) in the treatment of stage ie/iie extranodal natural killer/t cell lymphoma, nasal type: 13-year follow-up in 135 patients. International journal of hematology. 2012;96:617-623. (SCI: 1.918)

29. Wang L, ZHI-HUI WANG, XIAO-QIN CHEN, KE-FENG WANG, HUI-QIANG HUANG and ZHONG-JUN XIA. First-line combination of GELOX followed by radiation therapy for patients with stage IE/IIE ENKTL: An updated analysis with long-term follow-up ONCOLOGY LETTERS.2015,10: 1036-1040(SCI: 1.554)



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