
三级甲等 专科医院 国营



       河南省儿童医院、郑州儿童医院始建于1960年,是河南省一所三级甲等儿童医院,国家医院互联互通“四级甲等”医院, HIMSS六级医院。拥有东区医院、东三街医院、西区医院和康复医院四个院区。现有职工 2964人,其中博士硕士524人、硕士生导师10人、高级职称224人。开放床位2200张,年门诊量196万人次,年急诊量45万人次,年出院病人8.6万人次,年手术量15784台次,年120转诊危重症病人4346人次(其中200公里以上占比62%),郑州市域外就医患儿占医院业务量的75%。

       Henan(Zhengzhou) Children"s Hospital established in 1960. It is a comprehensive 3A pediatric hospital in Henan Province. The hospital was authorized with “Class Ⅳ Grade A” in national hospital interconnection evaluation and HIMSS-6 Level. The hospital implements grouped development model, including 4 hospitals that are East Zone Hospital, Dongsanjie Hospital, West Zone Hospital and Rehabilitation Hospital. A total of 2964 individuals work in Henan(Zhengzhou) Children’s Hospital, among them are 524 PhD and masters, 10 master supervisors,and 224 with senior professional titles. It owns 2200 registered beds, receives an average of 1.96 million outpatients, 450 000 emergency patients, over 86 000 inpatients, and performs15 784 operations, emergency referral 4346 times(62% of them are from more than 200 kilometers away) per year, 75% of the patients are from outside of Zhengzhou City .


       It was identified as the constructive main unit of "national children"s regional medical center" by the Henan Provincial People"s Government. The Hospital has been approved as Henan Children’s Hospital, Zhengzhou Branch of Beijing Children’s Hospital and Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University.The hospital is Henan Provincial Hospital Association Children"s Hospital Branch Chairperson Unit.Henan Pediatric Medical Union was formally established in September 2014.The Union promotes the concept of “Henan pediatric is a family”, and aims for“Cooperation for win-win, Dislocation development”. It construct a large format of that four levels of pediatric medical service in the whole province, so that the pediatric  resource subsidence to the base line.It has 199 memberships now (Covers  municipality  and county hospitals in henan province and involves 15 hospitals form Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui,Inner Mongolia, Yunnan Province, etc.). It concludes the Henan pediatric medical union theory system, so called "five carriages with four-wheel drive" and 360° working paths.


       The hospital is recognized as Henan Province Children’s Emergency Center, Henan Province Child Critical Care Transit Center, Henan Province Children"s Public Health Medical Treatment Training Center, Henan Province Disabled Children’s Rehabilitation Center and and so on. With 20 key disciplines or key cultivated disciplines of provincial and municipal levels, 9 Key Laboratories in Henan Province. The hospital is recognized as "11 Specialist Medical Center" , the key laboratory of pediatric blood medicine in henan province, international joint laboratory for the prevention and control of pediatric diseases in henan province, joint research project of Chinese CDC "hand-foot-mouth disease and clinical features retrospective investigation which is the only cooperative hospital in China. National pediatric collaborative resident standardization training base, the Chinese medical association society of anesthesiology chapter of pediatric anesthesia training base, the academician workstation of children"s disease prevention in Henan Province, Henan province postdoctoral research and development base.The hospital established long-term cooperative relationship with more than 60 domestic and foreign medical institutions or universities.It is recognized as the China Zhengzhou IPOKRaTes Educational Base, China’s Education Base of American Academy of Pediatrics, Cardiovascular aid training center for the American Heart Association.The hospital has introduced 15 international disciplines. It owns 2 members of the standing committee of national association, 32 of the provincial chairmen/leaders, and 12 municipal chairmen.In recent years,it  had a total of 210 items of scientific research project, 50 scientific research achievements, 61 scientific research awards,  published 4303 papers (including 181 SCI journal articles),including a paper published in JAMA with impact factor of 44.405, and another published in BMJ with impact factor of 20.785.


       The hospital is designated for congenital deformity treatment, the designated hospital for Little Angels Fund and Angel Sunshine Fund of Chinese Red Cross Foundation, the designated hospital for cochlear implant operations for poor deaf children under China Disabled Persons Federation, the designated hospital for Shenhua public welfare foundation. It was also designated for treatment of severe cases of hand-foot-and-mouth disease, for the treatment of disabled children in orthopedics surgery by Henan Disabled People"s Federation and henan rural children"s disease treatment. 


       The Hospital has also received a great number of awards and titles, including  National People-Assured Model Hospital, Hospital Reform and Innovation Award, Advanced Unit for Medical Safety Management Work of Henan and Top Ten Brand Pediatric Hospital in Henan Province.


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